100 Buttercream Flowers: The complete step-by-step guide to piping flowers in buttercream icing

100 Buttercream Flowers: The complete step-by-step guide to piping flowers in buttercream icing

B. inggris 1. what is the topic of the text ?...
jawab =

2. what si biggest part of the product ?....
jawab =

3. Mention what is contained in the product label ?..
jawab =

4. where is the label of A product or item located ?...
jawab =

ada yang bisa bantuin gue dak 1-4 ​

1. what is the topic of the text ?...
jawab =

2. what si biggest part of the product ?....
jawab =

3. Mention what is contained in the product label ?..
jawab =

4. where is the label of A product or item located ?...
jawab =

ada yang bisa bantuin gue dak 1-4 ​


1.barsotti family juice co

2.calories 110 and vitamin C 62mg 70%

3.juice,ciders,and blends

4.an Apple hili fram


semoga membantu
