100 Buttercream Flowers: The complete step-by-step guide to piping flowers in buttercream icing

100 Buttercream Flowers: The complete step-by-step guide to piping flowers in buttercream icing

Matematika Q.

356× 111

Nt: minta kode latexnya donk 4 aja jangan dihapus pertanyaannya please


356× 111

Nt: minta kode latexnya donk 4 aja jangan dihapus pertanyaannya please

[tex]{ \boxed{ \boxed{ \bold{ \huge{ \mathfrak{ \red{j}{ \orange{a}{ \green{w}{ \blue{a}{ \purple{b}{ \red{a}{ \orange{n:}}}}}}}}}}}}}[/tex]

[tex] \bf{356 \times 111 = 39516}[/tex]

  • { \boxed{ \colorbox{purple}{Answer By : text}}}
  • { \boxed{ \boxed{ \bold{ \huge{ \mathfrak{ \red{j}{ \orange{a}{ \green{w}{ \blue{a}{ \purple{b}{ \red{a}{ \orange{n:}}}}}}}}}}}}}
  • {\huge{ \blue{ \boxed{ \tt{text}}}}}

[tex]{ \boxed{ \colorbox{purple}{Answer By : Mauriceemaulana499}}}[/tex]
